"...I have
reserved to myself seven thousand men, who
have not bowed
the knee to the image of Baal." Roman 11:4
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A Loosing Doctrine: Church Discipline
A Second Look at "Arranged Marriage"
Alcoholic: In a Christian's Life
"...And I Repented of My Sins."
Dr. Stanley Miller and His Experiment
Ecumenical Excuses for Unequal Yokes #1: "What About Love?"
Ecumenical Excuses for Unequal Yokes #2: "Let them Alone..."
Ecumenical Excuses for Unequal Yokes #3: "What about John 17:21?"
Ecumenical Excuses for Unequal Yokes #4: "Forbid them not."
Eternal Security of the Believer
Fundamentalism, Modernism, and New-Evangelicalism - Part I of III
Fundamentalism, Modernism, and New-Evangelicalism - Part II of III
Fundamentalism, Modernism, and New-Evangelicalism - Part III of III
Homosexuality: A Fastlane to Hell
Promise Keepers, More about ("For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world..."
Promise Keepers: "Standing in the Gap" Rally
"Sit Thou Here in A Good Place..."
Some Misconceptions about the Church
Something the Modern Disciple-makers Do not TEACH!
Unscriptural Presentations of the Gospel
Vatican II Reaffirms Catholic Heresies
"We are not to judge, aren't we?"
What Today's Christian Needs to Know about the Greek New Testament
Why do Christians Still Need the Message of Salvation