God of Qi-Gong

By: Michael Tao

Qi Gong in China must have a history of hundreds of years, it has always been covered with mystic colors. Today, many people flock to this ancient art of breathing. There are about fifty to a hundred million people in Mainland China practising Qi Gong.

The word "Qi" means air, or breathe; the word "Gong" means mastery. So the literal meaning of "Qi Gong" is a mastery of breathing.

Human beings use a very small portion of their lung capacity in regular breathing. Proper air-intake can bring more oxygen into the system, and improve metabolism. We should not deny the importance of proper breathing, it has its role in sports, pulmonary treatment etc. However the purpose of modern day Qi Gong has been blown out of proportion; and less emphasis is put on its remedial function. It becomes a tool to acquire mystic power and social recognition.

As Christians, we are instructed to "be sober, be vigilant"(1 Peter 5:18), and "to walk circumspectly" (Ephesians 5:15), so we should take a serious look at this reviving traditional art of breathing. I have to admit that I am not a Qi Gong student, or would I ever intend to be one. However, we should try everything in the light of the Bible.

Qi Gong masters proclaim one's Qi, although invisible, yet is an essential part of human body. One can increase his ability by enhancing his Qi. The way of achieving this is by enhancing one's thinking; through relaxation. When one's Qi unites with the universe, the greatest resource of all energy, then he can achieve whatever he desires.

We can easily see this is not just a way of breathing, they are making a religion out of it.

The following is a list of things which the Qi Gong disciples claim that they are able to do.

Qi Gong disciples claim that through Qi Gong, they can detect others' health problems, and treat them with Qi.

Qi Gong can also give one the ability to read the mind of another person, and give advice to solve that problem. For example, it is very common for a Qi Gong disciple to locate lost objects for their friends.

Due to their ability to "unite with the universe", Qi Gong disciples can acknowledge the past, and foretell the future.

Qi Gong disciples can see things happened thousands of miles away. They claim that they can see images on the wall, on their palms, and know what is going on.

Qi Gong can also allow one to direct his ghost to leave his body, and virtually serve for the host. The ghost can go from one place to another, can fetch objects, can visit people far away. So this ghose can move an object on a table, can flip pages of a book, can bend a fork etc.

By exercising Qi Gong, in its highest level, one can walk through a wall, and float in the air.

By exercising Qi Gong, one can acquire the long lost skill and knowledge in history.

A Qi Gong expert can alter another person's mind, even at a distance, and direct him to do whatever the former commands.

A Qi Gong expert can also put someone, even at a distance, into severe mental distress. He can even take away one's life in the same manner.

Qi Gong disciples can also borrow power from their masters to assist their act.

When Qi Gong disciples stay together, some of them will lose control of their movement. They say a "wall of Qi" will be among them, because of its tremendous strength, they lose the control of their mind and bodies. Then these Qi Gong disciples would run, leap, jump, shake, swing, wriggle their bodies aimlessly and involuntarily, rolling on the ground is not uncommon. They called this the "Gong Dance". which can only be done with their eyes closed. The amazing part is they will not collide into each other.

As Christians, we should be able to see there is a mystic influence behind all these phenomena, which is definitely not from our Lord Jesus Christ.

There are two kings in this world. One is Satan, the king of this world, very powerful and most deceptive. The other king is our Lord Jesus Christ who is not of this world, but is king of all kings, and is God himself.

First Timothy 6:14ff talks about the kingship of Jesus Christ, which says, "That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ: Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen". Christ is the only Potentate, which is a title only God can have. He is King of all kings. Satan also believes Christ, but in a trembling fashion (James 2:19).

Christ came in the flesh, died on the cross, resurrected after three days and nights; so that men can be saved through faith and repentance toward God. John 16:8 says, "When he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteous, and of judgment". Christ cares about men's soul, their sin and the judgement they have to face. Christ has no interest whether men can read others' mind, can do fortunetelling (Deuteronomy 18:10), or can bend a fork without touching it or not. Christ wants mankind to be saved.

Basically, Qi Gong promises everyone everything. The only thing that Qi Gong cannot promise is everlasting life. However everlasting life is a gift that through belief in Christ, one can obtain(John 3:16). God's desire is that everyone can be saved (2 Peter 3:9).

It is also Christ's instruction that we should not be distracted by the cares of this life, Luke 21:34 says, "And take heed to yourself, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares". The philosophy of this world is that you are your own god, and you are most important. The way to be important is to be powerful. Everyone strives to care for himself first, to be rich and famous, to be the focus of the crowd. Practising Qi Gong fits well into this category of self-accomplishment and pride.

Many of the Qi Gong phenomena are identical to the extra sensory perception(ESP), fortunetelling, psychokinesis, telepathy, mind control, autosuggestion, hypnosis in parapsychology (parapsychology recently changed its name to psychical research). Parapsychology is a study of a false science which saturated with demonic power. In fact, Buddhism and Taoism claim they have the same mystic power as Qi Gong disciples. Bible warns us against the familiar spirits, Leviticus 19:31 says, "Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God".

It is doubtful that one can live longer by enhancing one's thinking power. Our life is in the hand of God ( Acts 17:25, Job 14:5, Isaiah 42:5). We would rather God gives us health and long life as a reward of obedience (Proverbs 3:2, 22:4), instead of shaking hands with Satan. Christians have the abundance from God, and we should learn to trust his provision and blessings(1 Corinthians 3:22).

I suggest Christians not to have anything to do with this Qi Gong or any forms of false religions (1 John 2:18ff). One can learn how to breath properly and how to relax better without seeking help from this most questionable activity. "Resist the devil"(James 4:7), this is the attitude I would recommend to my readers about Qi Gong.