Compiled by: Michael Tao
Recently I read about some statistics from United Nation about AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). It tells us that each month averages an increase of 8,500 AIDS cases in our world, which totalled 3,100,000 in 1996. Out of this large of amount people, 2,700,000 are adults, the majority of them under the age of 25, half of them are female. There have been 30,000,000 people diagnosed to have AIDS, and 6,400,000 died as a consequence of it. There are now 22,600,000 AIDS patients (HIV virus carriers) in the world, 830,000 of them are children.
A program on television also tells us that the nation which has the highest AIDS population is India, and the number is about three million. As a matter of fact, South East Asia and East Asia have the highest concentrated AIDS population, for example, Laos and Thailand. One million people in India have HIV positive virus. China claims 50,000 to 100,000 people suffer from AIDS, and is the most rapidly growing disease in China. Brazil also has a very high AIDS population.
When we give it a second thought, we can see the these countries suffering greatly from AIDS, in fact, most of them are heathens. People worship their false gods with the hope that they can have great fortune and long life. They may, or may not het them. But one thing we can be sure that these false gods will not bring is moral awakening. Moral awakening is a result of genuine repentance to the true God in Heaven. Buddhism also emphasizes kind works and morality, yet behind these morale outcry there is a total absence of divine power that empowers men to repent from their sins, and face their eternity. Behind the smiling face of buddha, what do you get? The archdevil, a faking god - Satan, why would Satan want to have moral awakening among his preys? Communism believes in materalism, atheism and evolution. Evolutionists believe all living things are purely a result of chances and competition, there is no meaning for existence. When people believe they are evolved from animals, it will not take long for them to act like one.
If nothing will be done, then some of these countries, even some ancient countries, will disappear from our history.
Homosexuality has been politically labelled as an "alternative lifestyle", however I would like to show you it is a lifestyle that promises a fastlane to hell. :--
"A Comparison of obituaries from 15 homosexual newspaper with 2 major US newspapers revealed the following contrasts between homosexuals and other individuals with normal life styles. The median age of death for married men is age 75; the median age of death of homosexuals is age 39. Only 1% of homosexuals live beyond the age of 65. The average age of death for lesbians is age 45, while the average for married women is age 79. In addition, homosexuals die 10 times more often in accidents, 17 times more often in traffic, 87 times more often from suicide, and 23 times more often from heart attacks, as compared with white men aged 25-44. Lesbians die 435 times more often from murder, 932 times more often suicide, 466 times more often in traffic, and 307 times more often from accidents as married women." (Christian News Jan 13 1992).
Many people think homosexuality is a result of one's genetic structure, and nothing you can do about it. They like to argue that it is not a sin, they were born this way, or God has made them this way - so please do not judge them , do not lecture them, please accept them, and look after them. Here, I would like to quote a passage from Dr. Hugh Pyle's book "The Truth about Homosexuals", pp17:
"Many sodomites say they were born that way, that they cannot help themselves. But God, you may be sure, would not have made an "abomination" (Leviticus 18:22,26).
The well-known Masters and Johnson sex clinic states that homosexuality is a learned behavior and that some persons can move in and out of it at will! This is certainly supported by Scripture.
A writer in national review declares that "it is no more an alternative lifestyle than bestiality or child molesting or incest or infidelity."
From Summit Journal comes this statement regarding a confession from a pervert who admitted that he was never attracted to another homosexuals but preferred to seduce "straight people" and "always young people": "This admission should put to rest the claim of being born into the lifestyle"! Not born that way, but made; not born, but recruited." How true!
A doctor at the University of Nebraska health center says that a homosexuals becomes one by a series of choice. He goes on to declare that acquaintance becomes friendship and then attraction, followed by familiarity not perceptible at first, but soon deepening into an affection/conditioning until he feels that he has a preference for homosexuality. "This has no basis whatever in his genetic, anatomical or physiological make-up," the doctor concludes.
A writer in South Africa believes that homosexuals often are victims of the sins of their parents - that things are so horrible at home that children are often driven into a perverted lifestyle not at first of their own choosing.
A writer in the AFA Journal says that "homosexual sex becomes an ego-saving operation designed to compensate for defects in masculinity - it springs from totally different motivations than normal love."
From my (Dr. Hugh Pyle's) own observation, I believe that many men and women choose to cohabit with their own sex from sheer laziness or a fear of responsibility. A man does not have to be responsible for supporting a wife, nor does he have to "mess with children," if pregnancy should occur.
Some men are really afraid of the opposite sex. And some women, having been turned off by obnoxious men, by a wicked father or by some frightful childhood experience, prefer the softness and sympathy of another woman - thus they think they are "gay".
Any many "teen experiment and "fool around" with this vice until it becomes habitual, and they suddenly feel that they must be queer, so they announce to their startled parents that they are "gay".
So while some children may bear characteristics of the opposite sex, they are not born homosexuals." (from The Truth about Homosexuals, Pastor Hugh Pyle)
I work in the hospital. One time, a 17 year old, grade 12 student told me that he was about to make a decision between being a homosexual or heterosexual. From this, I can at least see one can choose to be gay. Why would someone do this? I believe attention seeking has a big part in it, particularly among those who receive little social recognition.
Before we close, It is vital to see what God says about homosexuality, Romans 1:24-27, "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. "
And also in Leviticus 18:22, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."
Reference: Pastor Hugh Pyle, The Pestilence of AIDS, Sword of the Lord Publishers, Murfreeboro, Tennessee USA