"...I have
reserved to myself seven thousand men, who
have not bowed
the knee to the image of Baal." Roman 11:4
My wife and I were baptized separately in two of the largest Southern Baptist Convention churches in Taiwan and Hong Kong. However, the church teaching was undoubtedly lukewarm; in fact, it was dry and dead. Every Sunday, there were numerous university students going to the church in which my wife was baptized. However, they knew nothing about purity, had no knowledge about spiritual discernment. They were not even taught how to choose their mates, and they become the perfect preys of Satan. When I recall this, my heart aches. The pastor at that time was also known to be the personal pastor of the president of the Taiwan government; but what difference does it make, unless you preach the whole Bible, and preach it without compromise? I do not blame this man for his lukewarmness, because I know he was also a victim of the lukewarm tradition in the church and in the seminary that he was trained.
"For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge" (Romans 10:2) and I also bear witness that these Chinese church leaders do not deliberately disobey God. Many of them have a great zeal for God, but not according to the knowledge, the fact is -- they never had the knowledge. The purpose of 7000 MEN is to strive to preach the whole counsel of God. It is bilingual, published quarterly by Castlegar Baptist Church, which is an independent Baptist church in British Columbia, of Canada. This writing ministry is probably the only fundamental periodical printed in Chinese, which also includes an English translation. Without ignoring the message of salvation, the target group is Christians, particularly leaders of the Chinese new-evangelical churches. This magazine has been well received by many independent Baptist pastors and their church. It is wonderful to see God use this ministry to move hearts of the pastors of the new-evangelical churches.
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